
Odyssey Works has been perfecting the craft of transformation for over twenty years. We understand that making a meaningful life, business, or creative practice involves challenges and breakthroughs, not simply divine inspiration. 



Upcoming workshops

Weekend INtensive - London

This is a chance to dive deep into the complete curriculum of Odyssey Works' intimate and inspiring process on how to create transformative experiences. This class combines the content of our core offerings of empathy & experience design, diagramming, and making meaning workshops, into one intensive that creates community, cultivates communication, and uses rigorous design methods so that you can leap head-first into intimate experience design. Tickets available starting January 11.

Sat-Sun, March 9-10, 2024 10:00 PM – 5:00 PM
£525 for the weekend. All materials included. Limited partial scholarships available. £50 early bird discount until Feb 11. Contact us for scholarship info.

Designing With Diagrams - Online

The Diagram is the crown jewel of visual thinking. As a communication tool, it allows audiences to quickly and directly understand complicated relationships. As a design tool, it allows practitioners to understand the bigger picture as they dive into the details.

In a few short hours, you'll be using diagrams to design experiences in a totally new way

Sunday, June 23, 2024. 2-5pm Eastern (New York) $79
Discount tickets available

Master Class

Learn our secrets from to design a transformative experience for an audience of one as you join a cohort of artists from diverse backgrounds studying the life of our chosen participant and designing an interdisciplinary experience for them.

Our workshops begin with empathy because it is the best tool for creating truly collaborative teams, effective design, and a positive impact on the world. 

We hold workshops for founders, corporate teams, designers, artists, educational institutions, and the public — traveling globally to meet our clients' needs.
We have done workshops for teams as small as 8 and as large as 150. Contact us for pricing and more information.

Short Workshops

Our workshops begin with empathy because it is the best tool for creating truly collaborative teams, effective design, and a positive impact on the world.
  • Empathy + Experience Design

    Audience: Teams, Designers, Product Managers

    Our signature workshop emphasizes the concepts of empathy and the gift as springboards for the design process, and teaches the art of asking powerful questions that open dialogue. Using Odyssey Works’ singular interview process, these workshops explore how to develop a space of curiosity and intimacy to foster real collaboration and to develop a culture of common purpose. Each attendee designs and receives a bespoke designed experience.

    2.5 hours || 4 hours || Full Day

    Contact us for pricing

  • Collaborative Innovation: Making Meaning

    Audience: Co-Founders, Sr. Team Members, Collaborative Pairs

    How do we work with one another to have a meaningful impact on the world? When embarking on creating a business or collaborating in a lasting way, it is critical to engage in the question of what drives you and your mission. This workshop builds strong communication by engaging pairs in one-on-one investigation into the essence of what is most significant to each and to their work together.

    2.5 hours || 4 hours

    Contact us for Pricing

  • Diagramming

    Audience: Designers, Project Managers

    This workshop teaches participants how to use diagrams both as a process tool and as a communication strategy. Beginning with the intended affect, we work backwards to create a map of the arc of an experience, whether that's the user experience of your latest product, an organizational structure, or a bespoke event for a loved one.

    2.5 hours

    Contact us for pricing

  • Two Day Intensives

    Dive deep into the complete curriculum of Odyssey Works' intimate and inspiring process on how to create transformative experiences. This class combines the content of our core offerings of empathy & experience design, diagramming, and making meaning workshops, into one intensive that radically changes the way you think about making anything you make.

    2 Full Days

    Contact us for a quote

  • Custom Workshops

    We will work with you to develop workshops geared toward your specific goals. Our workshops can help focus a team on concept development at early stages or on developing general collaborative practices. We can work with teams as small as 5 and as large as 150. Workshops can be as short as 2 hours and as long as a weekend. Contact us below to discuss in greater detail.

  • Lectures and Book Talks

    Co-Directors Abraham Burickson and Ayden LeRoux frequently give lectures about experience design, collaboration, and empathetically-driven work. They are available for book talks and book signings.

“Attended an @OdysseyWorks workshop last weekend and it was the best team building experience I’ve ever had. #saynototrustfalls”


“The workshop was AMAZING! All week students came to me to say that the workshop had opened up their thinking about their thesis work. The attention from Abe and Ayden was thoughtful, kind, informed, and fresh.”


“The Odyssey Works Experience Design Intensive...was probably the most compact, relevant, valuable professional development training I’ve done in my life (and I’ve done quite a few).”


Join a carefully selected cohort of talented people focused on developing a project of your own in 14-weeks. Using a hybrid format of workshop, creative prompts, and discussions, we’ll delve into your ideas and how to manifest them in the world — moving from concept to R&D to production. 



Experience Design Certificate Program


Join us for a 10 month, low-residency program providing both comprehensive understanding of the principles of experience design and introduction to an engaged and dynamic community. 

  • Develop Your Experience Design Portfolio 

  • Build Creative Community

  • Tap into your Purpose